Eisenstern Legacy

Eisenstern 1.7

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It feels like I have visitors every time I turn around. Despite the fact that I live alone, it seems that I never have any peace or time to myself. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t mind this, but these are not quite normal circumstances. I’m more than a little pregnant, and I feel like a whale, and I’m tired, sore, and constantly hungry. Yet at the same time, I am also constantly queasy.

How is that even fair? How can you possibly be starving, and also queasy? If feels like it should be illegal, removed from the list of options. But here I am, hungry, and queasy.

Well, at least everyone that wanders by for a visit seems to be aware of this reality, and not to take it personally if I am a slight bit short with them. Morgyn seems to be simply glad that I’m the pregnant one rather than Morgyn, but Morgyn stopped being able to have children quite some time ago. The idiot decided that Morgyn’s goals were somewhere else. Actually, like I told Sergio, I am not supposed to be able to have children either. Who knows? Maybe someday, Morgyn will get a sudden surprise too.

My little garden is doing a bit better than I would’ve expected. I’ve added a number of new things to it, and since I’ve been able to splice plants, I’ve gotten a few new plants from that. We now have dragon fruit, and lilies, along with strawberries, which will be good for fruit salads. I think something besides apples would be good in those salads. Not that apples are bad, or that I have gotten tired of them. Apples are one of those things that can remain a staple for quite some time before growing old.

I don’t know if I intend to expand the garden much larger than it already is but perhaps that will just be a side effect of taking care of one for so long. On the other hand, if I managed to grow essentially everything that one might need in a single garden, then my descendents will not have need of anything at all.

Yes, it has occurred to me that one of the ways I can establish strong bloodlines such as the Charms, is by founding something that’s called a legacy family. Legacy families have been around for quite some time now, but I always figured that legacy founder would be… I don’t know. Cooler than me? But, I did a little bit of research into the subject, and appears that there are no real requirements for a founder. I could be one, if I chose to register the Eisenstern name as a legacy name.

I don’t know if I want to do this. There are a number of regulations and rules that go along with this, which my descendants would be bound to for as long as they wish to retain our status as a legacy family. However, it might be a good way of ensuring that my future descendants continue down a pathway that I want them to be headed down. There must be some sort of structure to how one of these powerful families would operate, even if only to set an example for other strong families that arise later. And preferably, there’d be a fall-back in place to keep the line under control in the case it goes out of control, or some future descendant isn’t quite so good-hearted as the rest of us.

Since I need to learn it anyway for school, I decided to put my programming skills to use and attempt to hack something. I was successful, though I didn’t manage to earn a lot of money from it. I hear that videogames and plug-ins make a lot more money than hacking. Though one of these has a little bit more prestige than the others.

I’m only in this program for the robotics. I don’t have much interest in programming, at least not as a career opportunity, so mostly playing around with programming was simply for fun. But, my paintings weren’t selling quite so well as usual, and I could use the income.

I’m proud of how far my little garden has come, and I’m glad that I’m not too far along to take care of it. I’m not entirely sure what I will do when I am. Morgyn keeps asking me if I would agree to someone moving in with me. It’s just a wild guess, but I suspect the idiot means that I should let Morgyn move in with me, I’m not sure if I want that. On the other hand, it would be something of a relief to have someone else living with me.

I certainly haven’t told Morgyn that. The idiot can come to whatever conclusion the idiot comes to, and truth be told that’s not my circus. I will admit that there are times when I really miss Morgyn, but mostly I’m glad to be out on my own and living my own life. Certainly, I don’t think it’s a good idea to tell Morgyn that. Morgyn doesn’t need to know.

Our father tends to come by more often than not. He’s quite the common visitor, but I find that it’s nice to see him so much. Unlike our mother, our dad isn’t magical. He doesn’t even know how to get into magic realm, so he was an nonexistent presence so long as we were in magic realm. Morgyn wasn’t bothered by this, but I was much closer to dad than Morgyn ever was.

It’s the same thing with mother, only reversed. I didn’t see much of her when we were younger, whereas Morgyn mostly stayed with her. Morgyn doesn’t know father the way that I do, just like I don’t know mother the way Morgyn does. It seems like a strange split, but that’s just how things turned out. I chose to move to Mount Komorebi partially because father used to tell me stories of it all the time when I was a kid, I got very interested in it.

He tends to ask me if I’m okay a lot. I know that just means he’s worried and he doesn’t want to say that. I’m doing okay on my own. Or at least, I thought it was.

What I actually did was decide whichever Sim Ezio gets the adoring sentiment for first is the one he’s romantically paired off with. Fun trivia, he actually got the adoring sentiment for Caleb first, but he got it for Drake faster. Should he have paired off with Caleb? Probably. Oh well.

Drake and I, the military vampire that came by one night, have been growing closer. He such a nice guy, and most of all it doesn’t feel forced or faked. It feels like he’s just a nice guy because that’s who he is. Caleb is much the same way, but I feel differently about them. I don’t like to compare the two much, because I don’t consider them much the same. Their personalities are similar, but still very distinct, and I like them both for occasionally different reasons.

Considering how close we had been getting, and how Drake said that sometimes he was a little lonely living in Forgotten Hollow by himself, I spontaneously asked him to move in with me. I don’t know what made me do that, maybe it felt like we were kindred spirits for a moment and I let the feeling run away with me. Either way, he said yes.

It turns out his house was worth a good deal of money. We were able to build a much larger and more solid structure than my tiny little house. I like the way it looks, and I think I could get used to it. We have enough space to expand, if we need to do so later, but he don’t think I’m going to need more space than we already have. As far as I know, I’m only carrying one child, not triplets thankfully.

I suppose there is always the possibility that Morgyn ends up moving in anyway, but somehow I don’t see myself giving in to that one.

As soon as he moved in, I asked how he felt about the house and what I done with it.

“That’s a silly thing to ask me,” he said.

“Is it?” I asked. It was a genuine question, because I wanted to better understand how he was thinking.

“This is your house, Ezio,” he said. “I’m really just along for the ride. And to hopefully be useful to you, because you seem like you could use a little bit of a helping hand. Was that presumptuous?”

Truth be told, it didn’t feel like it to me. I didn’t say anything. I think all I did was smile stupidly.

Pregnancy has thus far not been terribly kind to me. I’ve been trying to work around it, but it’s painful and uncomfortable, and I’m still consistently hungry and also queasy at the same time. I still think that should be illegal. I suppose, what do I know?

I’ll be glad this is probably going to be the only pregnancy I live through. I wasn’t even supposed to conceive at all, but sometimes miracles happen. Those miracles are not always completely welcome, but we don’t always talk about that either.

I visited Brindleton Bay, in hopes of seeing mother, but she didn’t seem to be home. I’ll try again some other time.

Homework has me busy most nights. So far, I seem to be doing quite well in my classes, which is fortunate. I do get some strange looks here and there, I guess no one’s ever seen a man that’s pregnant (geez, I do wonder why), but I pay them no mind. I’m not here to be popular, I’m here to get my degree, preferably with honors so that I can support my family.

Drake set almost immediately to work writing books. I wasn’t quite sure what he was going to do for income, since he did mention that he wanted to leave the military, but I suppose writing books makes a little bit more sense for him than being a member of the military. He’s not exactly the military type. He has too much of an artist’s heart for that. No, it is more accurately the heart of the poet.

Oh geez, listen to me scribble about Drake like he’s my new lover or something. I hope he never finds this.

I went into the commercial district nearby, looking to pick up a couple of things at the store. While I was there, I thought it might be a good idea to try and get to know some of our neighbors. I ran into Kaori, Nishidake-san’s granddaughter, and we talked a little. She lives in a different neighbourhood, so it was surprising to see her here. All the same, it was nice to talk to her. She’s trying to become a famous snowboarder, which Mount Komorebi is known for putting out.

I met a few others while I was out there, but Kaori stuck out. I wish I had that much drive at her age. Perhaps I wouldn’t be in the situation if I did. At the time I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Truthfully, I still don’t really know, but neither can I afford to spend more time figuring it out.

I just hope I’m making the right decisions.

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