
Currently: Probably slowed down now.
Alt Title: Wolf Blood
Rating: T: Mild language, references to mature themes.

Arise from ashes.

I decided, since I seem to be able to play Ezio nonstop, maybe that’d hold true for his children. One would assume that any legacy either of the Embers started would of course be the Ember legacy, but I have no attachment to that name. I decided to instead go with one of their ancestral names, instead.

We’ll see if I can finish this one. We’ll also see if I manage to get a story in there anywhere.

Eisenstern is a surname of my own piecing together. It’s occurred in fiction before, but not very frequently. The name is German, comprised of eisen, meaning iron most commonly but here I mean ice (not quite accurate), and stern, star. Thereby it means something like iron star or ice star.

Fun trivia, it was almost Morgenstern, which is morning star, occurs pretty frequently in fiction (and reality!), but Morgyn Morgenstern sounded… odd. Amusingly, in the alt Ezio-legacy, their family name is Morgenstern lol I did that one with Caleb Vatore, but it’s just for funsies.

As any legacy is, this one is based around Pinstar’s Legacy Challenge. I do and always have found the rules to be a little too restrictive, both as a player and creatively, so I’ve my own set of rules.

  • This is a spellcaster legacy. All heirs must be a spellcaster.
  • Heirs may be either gender. Probably up for a coin toss.
  • The heir must live on the legacy lot while they are heir. If they move out, they don’t become ineligible, but must move back immediately after assuming the title.
  • No money cheats or anything particularly broken. Other cheats may be fair game because playing a spellcaster is basically playing a giant cheating module.
  • Members of the family may become immortal, provided they train their magic and actually earn the immortality potion. Then, they must make it, as I have a mod that prevents free samples from being given upon learning a potion.
  • No restrictions on the Sims an heir can marry or move into the household. I will like them. My Sims are also not restricted to MF pairings for biological children only. It’d be quite rude in a family full of NBs.
  • I also do play with mods in, and some of them give an ostensible advantage due to the stupidity they side-step.

I’m not a screenshot heavy writer. They are probably going to be first-person for this legacy though.

Content Warnings and Notes:

  • Here there be occult things. Probably pretty much every occult in the game at some point, I love them.
  • Ezio is based on Morgyn Ember. I’m terrible at making my own Sims from scratch sometimes (basically I’m bad at faces and sometimes have limited mobility which makes CAS kind of painful), so I do use EA Sims as a base very frequently. Most of the time you can’t tell, but Ezio was perfect with just his hair darkened. Either way, he’s still mine, and being based on a premade does not make him a premade. Please do not recreate him in your game.
  • This request, by the way, does not mean I think the idea of giving Morgyn relatives is somehow mine. It just means I would rather people did their own thing and came up with their own designs if they decide to also give Morgyn relatives. That’s fine. Making specifically a black-haired, goth Morgyn twin named Ezio is not.
  • I’m sure there’ll be curse words peppered throughout narration for most narrators. Unless I get a good heir at some point, in which case they may not curse. Really depends.
  • I don’t really have an overarching plotline with this, just a premise, and I’ll just basically be telling what happened in the game through the active heir’s eyes.
  • Just because my Sim/character said it, doesn’t mean I believe it. Please understand there is a line between them and me and I actually do not cross it.
  • I don’t tend to edit my posts before just posting them. There may be typos, I may mix up words, whatever, thing is, I don’t make that many mistakes. I also dictate a lot of my writing with Dragon NaturallySpeaking now, and there may be typos and word mix ups that I don’t catch.
  • None of the Sims in the Eisenstern legacy are 100% straight. And some of them have non-binary genders. Some of them are trans. There are a lot of gender things, and a lot of children being born to couples they shouldn’t be able to be born to. It’s just a thing, fair warning, and yes, sometimes, when the Sim/character needs to figure out what gender or orientation they are, they will go through stages where they focus a lot on their gender or orientation. It’s called character development, and it’s good. I’m not sorry.
  • I randomise traits, I try to randomise aspirations but there are some that I’m 100% not interested in doing ever, so I may influence the results of aspiration rolls. I also randomise the number of children they’re supposed to have each generation, and have try for baby off and autonomous and risky woohoo on. So it’s up to them when they have kids, but I have a limit after which I stop them lol if anyone’s curious, the Eisensterns rolled 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2.
  • Also if anyone is curious, I started this using the Whisper eye defaults and Relapse default skin blend, and now use Soulmate eyes and Terrestrial skin.

Family Tree (Spoiler Warning)
Most Recent Posts
Character Cast (Also spoilers here)

Generation 1

Founder: Ezio Eisenstern

  1. 1.1
  2. 1.2
  3. 1.3
  4. 1.4
  5. 1.5
  6. 1.6
  7. 1.7
  8. 1.8
  9. 1.9
  10. 1.10
  11. 1.11
  12. 1.12
  13. 1.13
  14. 1.14
  15. 1.15
  16. 1.16

Generation 2: Cecily Eisenstern

  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2
  3. 2.3
  4. 2.4
  5. 2.5
  6. 2.6
  7. 2.7
  8. 2.8
  9. 2.9
  10. 2.10
  11. 2.11
  12. 2.12

Generation 3: Gabriel Eisenstern

  1. 3.1
  2. 3.2
  3. 3.3
  4. 3.4
  5. 3.5
  6. 3.6
  7. 3.7
  8. 3.8
  9. 3.9
  10. 3.10
  11. 3.11
  12. 3.12

Generation 4: Juno Eisenstern

  1. Coming soon.


Wolf Blood; Adrian von Ziegler, Peter Crowley
Running With the Wolves; AURORA
Never Be The Same; Camila Cabello
Stand By Me; Skylar Grey cover
Don’t Be a Stranger; Cartoon ft. Jason Diaz