Eisenstern Legacy

Eisenstern 2.9

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Suddenly, it was Gabriel’s birthday! Didn’t Hilda just age up? I’m confused. My children are getting older. I mean, I know that’s what they do, but it just seems weird. Untimely. Wait.

In any case, he aged up into an almost carbon copy of his grandfather. But then the same could be said about me; if there was a clone of dad, it’d be me. Just like Cynemaer’s father’s clone, I guess. Weird. He has Avery’s eyes, though, so he does look a little different.

He’s just as well-mannered as before, if not more so. Interestingly, he seems to have taken a sudden interest in cooking. He’s been studying the cookbooks that are scattered around the house from my awfully-scrambled attempts at learning when I’d just taken over as legacy heir.

After dad and father moved back in, I extended the offer of living with us to auncle Morgyn and Caleb. Turns out they have a toddler daughter, my cousin Kristyn. She’s so much younger and smaller than me, it’s weird to think she’s my cousin. Auncle Morgyn seems to really like Hilda, but, if I remember right, Freya was also on the list of individuals Morgyn likes.

Hilda, taking after her brother I imagine, also asked to join the scouts, so she’s also earning oodles of badges. I find I like this usage of their time, so I’m certainly not complaining about it. She’s earning badges about as quickly as Gabriel did. I wasn’t worried. She’s a good kid the same as he is.

I actually made Drake-Ezio-Mayor Whiskers, and then Caleb-Morgyn-Kristyn all roommates using the DU system. Morgyn stayed sage, at least, but I found it to be… not equipped for the task I gave it. There was a Lot of micromanaging going on, and tbh most of generation 2 was wasted on making sure no one died because it turns out roommate autonomy is absolute shite. So you can blame this move for why generation 2 was notably short despite both 1 and 2 lasting around a month of play.

The good news is, now that dad’s living here, he can still take care of his cat and I don’t have to worry about cooking for the ghost creature. Diaval, unsurprisingly, remembers dad and had built up quite the bond with him before he moved out, and was overjoyed to see him again. He spends a lot of time now just hanging around dad, but to be honest, so do I.

I missed him just as much as the cat did.

There are a lot of family photos on the wall. The two in the background here were taken by a friend of mine, but I started using poses with the in-game camera to generate good family photos with. Also, at some point this Mrs Meowness ended up on the stove. Like on one of the burners. The fridge, btw, is Ravasheen’s counter-fit fridge, and it’s an absolute godsend with toddlers. Not so much cats…

Now that we’ve got more mouths to feed, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen cooking, but I really enjoy it. I’m just so happy to have some of our family back together, even if I wasn’t very close to auncle Morgyn growing up. It’s good to have the opportunity to get to know Morgyn now. Dad was rather close with Morgyn but all I’ve ever known about Morgyn is that Morgyn’s the sage of untamed magic.

I’m sure I’m supposed to know what that means but I’m blanking.

Funny enough, Gabriel and dad both love playing laser with the cats, and frequently got into synchronised play sessions. We spent a lot of time in the library/office area, like any good bunch of Eisensterns. Dad got us computers when we aged into child, but I decided to wait a little longer with Gabriel and Hilda, until they were teenagers. Or at least Gabriel was.

So far, he doesn’t seem to be exhibiting any notable gender weirds. I’m not paying attention or anything, definitely not…

Originally, Diaval’s name was Diablo, and then I decided I like the Irish version better. Diaval means the same thing as Diablo, just not in Spanish.

Diaval and Whiskers like to sleep together in the same spot, usually on the couches but occasionally they’ll take an ottoman. Whiskers also likes the highest point of the cat tree. Diaval’s really more of a lower level type of cat. I wonder if it’s because he’s gotten a little pudgy, and he can’t quite jump up there. That’s a thought.

I’d put him on a diet, but I’m bad enough at dieting for myself. But I’ve never felt unhealthy or anything, so, maybe that’s just fine.

We’ve accumulated rather the collection of tomes and such over time from visits to magic realm. Bryn started it a long time ago, when she first went to magic realm to ask Morgyn to enable her to use magic. (I guess she figured she’s a blood Eisenstern and if she wants to use magic she can. She’s not wrong.)

It was pretty weird to see dad learning spells out of them. I’d have figured he knows all of them, but maybe not. In any case, transportalate sure does cut down travelling time. I’m not so good at magic now that I can cast it, and Avery’s never cared too much about training her magic either.

We’re the boringest boring witches ever, huh?

Around here I adjusted the lifespan settings with MCCC. I have it so that young adults don’t age into mature adult until their oldest child would be turning teen, and then theoretically not die off until their oldest grandchild is around teen, but in practice it’s a little wobbly. Anyway, I changed the numbers and suddenly Hilda had a birthday. She honestly looked at the cake, then Cecily, like, “Mom are you sure?” Also, yes, non-spoiling cake. We keep it in a storage chest. LOL

I had completely spaced on it, but Hilda’s birthday was just around the corner! Seemed I’d miscalculated how many days she and Gabriel are apart in age, but no matter. Dad baked a cake a long time ago specifically for use on birthdays, and we still have it! It’s been our go-to birthday cake since I was a little sprout.

She seemed a little confused-turns out she forgot her birthday, too!-but made a wish and blew the candles out.

She grew into a beautiful young flower. She does resemble Avery a good deal, but I can see myself in her too.

Interestingly, she decided to take after her grandfather and went goth. I would’ve, I like the style, but I’m really more of a bubble gum pink and canary yellow type of person. Hilda expressed interest in learning to make candles, so I bought her a candle-making station for her birthday. She went looking for soybeans and came back with them, and now we’ve got soybeans growing in the garden, too.

She just needs them for the wax, apparently, but the beans make good income, too. It works out. I was very pleased to see her taking initiative like that.

My kids still get along very well, and now that they’re the same age again, they’re enjoying going to the same school. Hilda’s not as clingy or afraid of everyone as she used to be, but I can see that she depends on her older brother in many ways, too. I keep hoping she’ll make some new friends, but thus far, the only friends she’s interested in are the ones Gabriel brings home first.

They’re still kids yet. There’s time for all of that, and if she never finds her own wings, that’s fine too. Something tells me Gabriel won’t fault her for it, and neither will I.

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