Eisenstern Legacy

Eisenstern 3.3

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Sometimes, I forget to spend time with Diaval, but mom still goes and talks to him from time to time. It’s nice to have the help keeping up with the cat. I know I should try to pay more attention to him, but time just kind of slips away from me here and there and I find I don’t have time for a lot of things that I should.

Besides, Diaval does still like her. It’d be silly to expect them not to still interact.

Grandpa informed us that he disabled the effects of the immortality potion he and grandfather took some years ago, when mom was still a baby. It caused time to sort of catch up to itself, and they’ve both rapidly aged to elder. But they’ve still got some time left in them, and I’m glad for that. I’d like them to be able to meet my kids.

Though mom knows how to fix things (and way better than I do), I’ve been working on my handiness myself. Someday mom won’t be here anymore, so it’d be a good idea to learn how to handle it myself. I suppose Cassandra might be alright with learning handiness, but she’s more of a creative type.

I’m… sort of creative. Creative in what I toss into a pot, I guess.

I haven’t had much time for practicing magic recently. I should get back on that. Mom told me about scruberoo and repairio…

You can’t tell me Cecily and Avery didn’t hear this.

While I was making Diaval’s dinner, Cassandra came in looking excited. And informed me she’s pregnant! We’re having a baby?! I’m going to be a dad! I don’t even know how to be one of those!

Well, I guess now’s the time to pester mom for stories about grandpa and grandfather. It seems like a weird question to ask, hey, so, what kind of dad were your dads…? Pfft. Nothing in this family is straightforward or normal, so I suppose I shouldn’t be entirely surprised by this. But, I’m relatively sure mom won’t judge me too harshly.

I guess I could also just ask Ari. He had a dad.

Bryn is cleaning. I forgot she’s also neat.

The date of our wedding snuck up out of what feels like nowhere, but really wasn’t. (Time does weird things when you’re not paying attention to it, and weird things even when you are.) On the guest list were both our parents, my grandparents, her brother, my sister, and then my aunts and uncle. I would’ve invited the Ember-Vatores, and all of my cousins, but we didn’t have enough invites.


It was nice to see them! My aunt Bryn’s elder birthday should be here in a few days, and it’s kind of depressing. And yet not? Time’s going forward, as it does. It’s sad and not sad at the same time. The goth thing seems to run in the family, too, because aunt Bryn’s also pretty goth and aunt Freya gets close. Well, aunt Kaylie’s goth. Also an alien (she doesn’t hide it though). Grandpa’s the OG goth, and then grandfather has his moments. You’d think a couple old guys dressing in black and wearing black lipstick would be, too much, maybe? Weird? But not really.

Actually, grandpa’s the youngest looking elder I’ve ever seen.

In a way, there are four generations of Eisensterns at this wedding, because the baby’s there by virtue of being in its mom.
Also, if you’ve got CL, Myshuno Meadows is 100% the best place to host a wedding ever.

It was just nice to have everyone together. Though, Cassandra’s family didn’t make much of an effort to mingle with ours. I’m not sure why. Mostly it was clusters of Eisensterns scattered all over the venue.

We chose Myshuno Meadows. Cassandra said she likes the city, and it’s a pretty prime spot for a wedding. It’s even got a fully equipped kitchen, which I used to bake our wedding cake. Because I’m a dork and I forgot to make it before we left the house.

It was all, where’s this, and where’s that, and did I put this over here, did I call that place? We do have a mixologist, right?

The cake, of course, was a black and white cake. And, overall, our wedding was kind of a goth-tinged little shindig, but I’m happy with how it came out. I’ve decided I’m pretty goth myself.

The ceremony went off without a hitch. Shame they don’t have a such thing as black fireworks. We had the wedding aisle coated in little lilac flowers, and Cassandra was absolutely stunning in the dress she chose. I’m not sure how good I looked, but to be honest, I didn’t have much time to think about it.

Cassandra insisted I wear high heels, so I did, a nice pair of ankle-high open toe black heels. They’re actually really comfortable, which is weird because they don’t look like it.

Cassandra’s dad didn’t seem to take the wedding terribly well. It’s almost strange he showed up at all, but he did. And made some interesting faces at his wife. I guess their relationship is a little strained at the moment. Well, that’s not my monkeys, that’s for sure.

Alexander came by to talk to me later during the reception, and it was nice to meet Cassie’s brother properly. He’d been by the house a few times already, but we’d never talked directly.

Freya sat next to Bella during the ceremony, and I stared at them and was like, “Bella’s pretty… but IMO… Freya’s prettier.” She is, at least, the prettiest Sim I’ve ever had born in-game. Thus far. That may change.

Time to cut the cake!

Aunt Freya looks really good in that dress. Huh.

Cassandra and aunt Freya were talking when I went to get the first slice of cake. I ended up interrupting their discussion, but auntie didn’t seem terribly displeased by that. Actually, she looked kind of happy. Well, just about everyone looked happy, being fair.

It’s nice that the wedding was a happy occasion for most of those that came. We had many congratulations, and also many wedding gifts I’m not real sure what to do with. Cassie and I will figure it out later.

When we got home, she was tired enough to have a nap on the couch. Unfortunately the wedding was an all-day event, and given she’s pregnant, she does get tired faster than most. I’m glad she managed until we got home. I’d feel pretty bad about it if she ended up napping at Myshuno Meadows during the reception.

Life’s looking pretty good. And I think I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life.

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